The Biomat Store has a brand new family member. We welcomed Loretta Rae on April 27th. As all new parents (and grandparents) know, taking care of a newborn can cause extreme sleep deprivation. Luckily we have Biomats to use for quickie restorative power naps. In only 10-20 minutes, you can reverse extreme fatigue and get your mojo back. Mom also used the Biomat during pregnancy for muscle pain, ankle swelling and to energize at the end of a work day.
We recommend the Biomat for all those with sleep deprivation. Due to the deep relaxation effect and the oxygenation of cells and tissue, the body can recover from no sleep, little sleep, jet lag or overwork within a short amount of time. As an indispensable family wellness tool, the Biomat can be used with children after they are 6 months old (when they can regulate their body temperature) through the teenage years and beyond. All family members can enjoy the benefits of deep relaxation and stress reduction through Biomat power napping.