The pillow enhances the healing qualities of the Biomat
The design is based on the Ayurvedic Concept of cool head, warm body. The Pillow absorbs the heat to keep the body cool so you can take higher therapeutic temperatures more comfortably. Since your head is your thermostat, if it is cool, your body thinks it is cool.
Other Uses:
- You can unzip it and wrap around your own smooshie pillow
- Also it can be unzipped from the pillow and used as a wrap or poultice; wrap around an injured or bruised leg, knee or arm.
- If you have a belly ache you can lay on top of the stomach and it will sooth it in minutes
- If you have cramps it will dissolve them in minutes
- If you lay it on across your chest…if your lungs are congested it will open up the airways
- Lay your head on it and it will open up the sinuses
Pillow Size 485 x 200 x 105 mm / 19.09″ x 11.81 x 4.13″
Net Weight 3.6 kg / 7.93 lbs. without controller