Northwest Integrative Medicine, a division of Healthcare and Wellness Center, PLLC is my practice specializing in allergy and environmental medicine.
I, Dr. Stephen Smith began my journey into integrative medicine in 1985, when I developed fibromyalgia and realized I was clueless regarding effective and rapid treatment. Surprisingly, so were most of my colleagues, who like me, practiced traditional or allopathic medicine. Following the quote, “physician, heal thyself”, I started my own quest into alternative and integrative medicine. Subsequently, I realized my case was not unique. I discovered that many of the physicians at integrative medicine meetings and training sessions also suffered from similar health conditions; many restored to full health and vitality using integrative medicine.
It has been my privilege to learn from some of the brightest physicians from around the world who generously shared their knowledge and expertise. It is this knowledge that helped restore my own health and that of others I have had the opportunity to treat.
Though many of the techniques of integrative medicine have been used in Europe for many years, it is a relatively new concept in the US. However, because of the benefits offered by both medical disciplines, many integrative medicine clinics have now successfully established a foothold in the United States as well. I have been using integrative medicine techniques for many years and I have been pleased with results I have seen in myself and my patients.