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Brenda Bernardin

Beauty Evolution
1011 Camino Del Mar, Ste. 240
Del Mar,
Phone: 619.300.4320
Email: brenda[at]beautyevolution.com

About Brenda

My own personal Beauty Evolution began from observing my mother at a young age performing her skin care rituals. I had a natural entrepreneurial spirit and was managing my own Avon business at the age of twelve. My passion continued to evolve, and at the age of sixteen I attended cosmetology school where I studied hair, skin, nails, and spa treatments. My love for health and nutrition led me to study and practice massage therapy and holistic living. I have worked with many different product lines and skin care philosophies, and will only use and recommend the best available. I continue to study health and am currently working on a degree in Holistic Nutrition. My passion for evolution, growth, and renewal drives me to be a resource for a healing lifestyle. My mission with Beauty Evolution is to educate and empower.

About Beauty Evolution, Mission and Vision:

Beauty Evolution is the cultivation of beauty through empowerment and holistic living. It is a growing, changing, dynamic system that supports and honors our natural rhythms and teaches how to nourish the mind, body, and soul. It is about awakening to experience the uniqueness of our own beauty, celebrate it, and care for it. When we feel beautiful, WE ARE BEAUTIFUL! When we see beauty in ourselves, WE SEE BEAUTY IN OTHERS. This CELEBRATION OF BEAUTY ripples out to touch and inspire others to do the same.

The treatments and services offered to achieve this transformation include utilizing cutting-edge technology with the most effective skin care topical products available today. Technical modalities include:

  • Ultrasonic technology for microdermabrasion, product penetration, and metabolic enhancement
  • Lymphatic drainage for tissue detoxification and micro-stimulation
  • LED light therapy for cellular rejuvenation
  • MicroCurrent Facial Toning for muscle and tissue rehabilitation and lifting

Then, of course, there are the tools that Mother Nature provided. As my hands sense intuitively what is desired, the connection to healing and restoration begins. I include lifestyle and nutrition coaching when appropriate. The appearance of the skin can be affected by how and what we eat, our thoughts, beliefs, and attitudes about ourselves. How we support our spirit, and nurture our intuition and inner physician also contributes to health and well being. Our skin is a natural barometer that reflects our inner world , allowing us to make adjustments when there is imbalance or disharmony. This is your gift and personal Beauty Evolution.

Begin your own personal Beauty Evolution with me by calling or emailing to schedule a complimentary consultation today.


Brenda Bernardin


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